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When a protocol necessitates, I direct you to my online supplement dispensary—Fullscript, where you can purchase the protocol products that really don’t have an over-the-counter substitute. These products are always offered to you at a discount. There’s absolutely no pressure. I created it to make things easier and more affordable for you!
Constipation is something everyone experiences and an occasional case isn’t usually a concern. The simple natural remedies in this protocol can be very helpful. However, if constipation becomes chronic, it’s important to consult a doctor for further evaluation and identify the underlying cause.
Hydration is Key:
Make sure your child drinks about half their body weight in ounces of water each day. For example, if your child weighs 40 pounds, they should aim for 20 ounces of water daily.
To help with hydration and support digestion, add a pinch of real sea salt to each glass of water. It can also help with constipation.
Supplements to Support Bowel Function:
These two supplements are a surefire way to get things moving:
Start with ProbioMed Kids (a probiotic). This helps balance the good bacteria in their gut.
The next day, add Ther-Biotic Vital Zymes (digestive enzymes) to support better digestion and bowel function.
Just follow the dosing instructions on the bottle, and you're good to go!
Once your child’s bowel movements are regular, you can stop the supplements and only use them when needed.
Consider Seeing a Pediatric Chiropractor First:
Gentle adjustments from a pediatric chiropractor can really help get things moving. We used this approach with Monroe, and it made a huge difference!
Consult with Your Healthcare Provider:
If a child is constipated for more than a week and the remedies, along with chiropractic care, aren’t helping—it’s time to see a pediatrician to address an underlying cause for the constipation.