I’ll always share purchase links if you need a product or remedy quickly. Just so you know, the Amazon links I provide are not affiliate links—they’re simply for your convenience.

When a protocol necessitates, I direct you to my online supplement dispensary—Fullscript, where you can purchase the protocol products that really don’t have an over-the-counter substitute. These products are always offered to you at a discount. There’s absolutely no pressure. I created it to make things easier and more affordable for you!


Eczema and dermatitis

For Immediate Relief:

In mild cases, I love using this diaper balm—it’s been a game-changer for mild cases. The herbal ingredients are antibacterial, antifungal, and soothing, making it super versatile. I’ve used it on both kids and adults with great success!

For Stubborn or Chronic Rashes:

If your little one has a persistent or chronic rash, it’s definitely worth having your pediatrician take a look to rule out other causes like food or environmental allergies. Remember, your skin is a reflection of what’s happening inside, so if the rash keeps coming back, there’s likely an underlying issue to address. But before making that appointment, I highly recommend you consider the two foundational supplements I provide in the protocol linked above.

Comprehensive Support:

While you’re working on the rash, check out my foundational protocol on Fullscript. I’ve put a lot of thought into making this protocol as effective, affordable and kid-friendly as possible. The products are listed in order of importance.

Switch to Safer Personal Products:

One simple change we made in our home is switching to EWG-verified, unscented personal care products. We personally love the Everyone Brand—it’s gentle, effective, and safe.

Clean with Confidence:

Finally, we’ve switched all of our cleaning and laundry products to Branch Basics, and I couldn’t be happier. It’s cleaner, safer, and better for the environment.

Check out their website here: Branch Basics.